Captive Heart Read online

Page 4

  “Give me that!” De Lucca clutched for it desperately, but Saskia pulled it out of his reach. “I don't know why you're worried about me knowing it,” she taunted. “I've already heard it all. I hear everything you do. Now you're going to tell me why you do it. I think you owe me that much.”

  Saskia had not expected him to drag her right out of the hallway and into his domain, nor had she counted on his sheer physical strength. In his grasp, she saw the lithe muscles pulsing underneath his dress shirt. Underestimating his speed and strength had been a mistake. He released her, but transitioned the motion, enabling him to lock the front door's deadbolt and sliding chain without stopping. She was now locked in with a potentially dangerous man. This only served to incense her. She had managed to keep hold of the letter. Now, she whipped her cell phone out with her other hand.

  “The police are going to love this, you sonofabitch. Kidnapping, assault. Even in New York, that's got to get a response. You want me to call them? Or do you want to let me go, right after you tell me what kind of freak show you're running up here every night that's keeping me from ever sleeping, of course.”

  De Lucca casually strolled to a wine chiller that stood against one wall of his sparsely furnished living room. Saskia thought he was going to go all James Bond villain on her and offer her a drink. But no, he just casually leaned against it, folding his hands in front of himself. “Actually, I do invite you to call the police. By all means, please do call them. I would welcome that. Tampering with another person's mail is a federal crime, you see.”

  This information made Saskia falter. In her eagerness, she had not even considered the legalities. “It was delivered to my mailbox.”

  “Which charged you with a legal obligation to return it to either the intended recipient – me – or to the United States postal service. You disobeyed that obligation. Oh, and then you just come up here intending to blackmail me? Tsk, tsk.”

  “What? No. No! You're keeping me awake at night. It's driving me crazy. So I got this letter and I came up here to--”

  “To what?” De Lucca cocked his head and crossed the distance to her in three short, commanding steps. “To violate federal law and invade my privacy? By dragging you in here I performed a citizen's arrest, accompanied by a lawful and reasonable use of force. I'm afraid you will find the law very much on my side in this matter.”

  “You... You don't know that.” Saskia could feel herself melting like ice cream on a hot sidewalk. He was terrorizing her, and yet his voice had such power... Too late she understood the mistake she had made by coming here.

  “I'm afraid I do,” he replied. “I'm an attorney; I should know. But I understand if you don't choose to take my word for it. You can always take that of the police, whom I still invite you to call. Or perhaps I should call them?”

  “No!” He had been reaching into his trouser pocket, presumably for a cell phone, but stopped at Saskia's cry. The look he gave her indicated that she should keep talking; that it was her move. Unfortunately, she was fresh out of moves. “What do you want?”

  “Maybe nothing. If you've read that correspondence then you know what I am. I'm a professional dom. I provide favors that are sometimes of a blatantly sexual nature to women who pay good money for them and the discretion that comes with them. Between this and my day job I can fulfill just about any wants and needs I have on my own, Miss... I'm sorry, what should I call you?”

  Now he was doing the James Bond villain thing, walking a slow circle around her while he talked. She had always had a soft spot for the bad guys in those movies, though. “Bergen. Saskia Bergen.”

  “Hmm. A beautiful name. Well, Ms. Bergen, here is something you probably weren't expecting. I may have disrupted your routine with the business I run out of my home, but as it turns out, you have disrupted my work already. You say I owe you explanations, but you come to me breaking laws and not even realizing that you already owe me something. What do I want in exchange for not seeing you prosecuted for your crimes, Ms. Bergen? I suppose what I want is the opportunity to collect what is already owed.”

  His movements were hypnotic, his voice soothing and arousing all at once. What Saskia had felt in the lobby that day had not been a fluke. This man seethed erotic power, and he had literally pulled her into its depths, from which there was no escape. She knew she could not escape. On those early nights when she had lain awake listening, hadn't she already tried?

  “What do I owe you then? What would I have to do?”

  Fabio's predatory circle ended. He stopped behind her and leaned in, bringing his lips right up to her ear. Her skin rippled and chilled to the honeyed words he breathed, “Oh, I think you know...”

  In all the hours spent obsessing over the woman from downstairs, Fabio had never imagined that she would simply deliver herself to his front door. His work had ground to a halt. He had been making excuses to keep the women who came to him to be dominated away and was quickly running out of things to tell them. But how could he be what they needed when the curvy little siren he had met in the apartment lobby was the only woman he wanted to see? It had gotten to the point where he was considering finding some workable pretense to knock on her door.

  When she showed up at his door waving his mail in his face, it was the last thing he had expected. It also had turned out to be exactly what he needed. Her boldness and attempts to make demands had reawakened the very drives inside him that she had accidentally extinguished upon their first meeting. Her lust for him that she thought she hid so well kicked that part of him into overdrive. When he had whispered in her ear, Fabio swore he could practically smell the surge in her hormones. His clients came to him already wanting to be dominated. Fabio wanted to dominate Saskia, and he made sure she understood this. She hesitated longer than he thought: long enough for him to worry. But when she breathed her nervous words of acquiescence, he understood that her heart had wanted this all along. In a way, her heart had been captive to it, and now he could set it free.

  “How... does it work?” she asked, her blue-green eyes seeming to darken a shade as her body adjusted to increased arousal. “What are you going to do to me? What happens?”

  Fabio did his best to conceal his own thrill at finally getting to touch her, running his fingers along her soft cheek. “It starts with you getting quite naked, my dear, and it ends with me making you cum. But a lot of other things happen in between.”

  The lump in Saskia's throat bobbed as she gulped, steeling herself. “Very well.”

  Her reaction impressed Fabio. She just might be a natural at this after all.

  He wanted her clean - very clean. They might live in a rundown building, but he had taken it upon himself to make a few upgrades to the bathroom: small concessions to luxury, here and there, to make his lady clients feel more at home. Saskia eyed the enormous garden tub with anticipation and envy, but lest she get too comfortable, he informed her that he would watch while she disrobed. Saskia balked at this, but he reminded her that this couldn't very easily end the way he wanted it to if she concealed her body. But if she was having second thoughts, they could always go back to discussing the legality of her opening his mail.

  Saskia's innate cheerful shyness merged with her determination to remain steadfast. This transformed her disrobing into an artful striptease, far more erotic than she had likely intended. Her t-shirt slid up off of her torso slowly, every curve of her flesh gleaming in the soft light. And there were so many curves to reveal. She had a luscious big butt, and she had to shimmy just a little to work her jeans down off of her perfect thighs. Fabio could see the crack of her ass through the cream colored material of her panties: a teasing sight that urged him into an impatience that he needed to fight. She peeled her socks off with her toes, revealing that even her feet were beautiful. A colorful little pattern of vines and flowers tattooed upon the top of her left foot enhanced the sight.

  She grew comfortable now, a little too much so. She reached behind her back to unhook her bra almost
as if she were standing in her own bathroom. "No,” Fabio chided her. “Turn around.”

  Those fabulous blue-green eyes communicated that she understood what he wanted. Facing him, she unhooked her bra as slowly as she could, dragging out the reveal of her plump, perfect breasts for an unreasonably long time. Fabio endured the anticipation as long as he could until, with a summoning gesture of his hand, he commanded her to let her assets fall free.

  Oh yes, those breasts were nice. As creamy and inviting as he had imagined, her ruddy nipples large and quite erect with desire. How exquisitely they betrayed her. Saskia could not maintain eye contact against the lust he bore, looking away shyly as she inched her panties off. A perfect golden thatch of hair concealed her feminine mysteries, just enough to entice. Everything about her enticed him though, and it had a very cumulative effect.

  “Get the water as hot as you can stand,” he ordered her. “It opens the blood vessels and makes the skin quite sensitive. You'll appreciate that in a little while.”

  “You're not going to hurt me, are you?”

  “That is not what I do,” Fabio explained. “I help people learn and expand their boundaries.”

  “Except when you take advantage of them for opening your mail.”

  Fabio raised on eyebrow at her just slightly. “Are you saying you never wanted to be here, naked before me?”

  “It doesn't matter if I have,” Saskia said calmly. “You're just lucky that I happen to like it now that it's happening.”

  The fire in her was something he did not know how to react to just yet. He could not let her see that he was still learning, as well. “As hot as you can stand. I expect there to be steam.”

  Watching her wash her perfect skin, Fabio could already tell there would be plenty of steam tonight, in every sense. Saskia took her time, as if she knew the effect she was having on him. A lesser man would get in the tub with her and take her there. Fabio De Lucca was not a lesser man. He had never had the luxury of being one. He could already tell that Saskia was not like the women of his world. She tempted him to break all the rules he had so carefully set for himself. Tonight he would learn just how much control he could maintain.

  By the time she stepped out of the bath and toweled herself dry, Saskia's mood dissonance was considerable. For a man threatening her with jail and bullying her into sex, this Fabio De Lucca had been nothing but polite and accommodating. The look on his face as she stepped into the bedroom told her that was about to change.

  Saskia could not believe she was going through with this, was not even sure what it was that she was about to go through with. Backing out now was no option. As cruel as his proposition had been, she could not deny that she had wanted this. Even knowing that he serviced many women regularly could not stifle her longing to be his.

  He had a king-sized bed. Saskia did not fail to notice the various points on the frame to which restraints could be affixed. And the bed was the most normal thing in the room; the other furnishings looked better suited to a medieval torture chamber. But then, of course they did. A torture chamber was exactly what it was.

  “Don't look so alarmed,” he said as he stepped close to her and yanked her towel away, exposing her nakedness, utterly and cruelly. “You're a beginner. I intend to keep things simple for your sake. But since the tools of my profession obviously bother you, I will make it so you don't have to look at them.”

  And just like that, Saskia found herself blindfolded. Fabio made her get on the bed on her hands and knees, shoving her as much as ordering her to.

  “We shall start with spanking. Simple, basic, and everyone understands it.”

  A sharp slap to her ass elicited a yelp from Saskia and practically jolted her off the bed, much to Fabio's pleasure. “See? Now, with your ass in the air, and me ready to punish it at the slightest provocation, we can truly begin to know one another. What do you do, Saskia?”

  “I'm a professional blogger.” It was not a very erotic question, and Fabio clearly didn't think much of her answer. He slapped her again, harder. Her sex responded positively to the stinging sensation echoing through her body, quite against her conscious will.

  “No, no. Do not merely name your occupation. Tell me what you do, Saskia. Does your professional blogging serve a purpose? Do you?”

  “Yes I do!” she replied fiercely. The defiance in her voice earned her another slap, and she tried her best to ease her tone. “I teach women about beauty and how to enhance their own. I encourage them to find their beauty! I teach history, so they'll learn why our society teaches them to look the way they do and what they can take from those traditions to make their own! I educate and entertain.”

  “Entertain, ha!” slap!

  “Spank me all you want, it's important work that I do!”

  This time when his hand met her bare bottom it was the lightest little tap. The anticipation of pain, however, made Saskia jump nearly as high before she distinguished the sensation. When Fabio spoke again it was very close to her ear, making her shiver almost to the point of writhing away. “Then you understand that it is also important work that I do. I don't spy on yours, so tell me why you spy on mine.”

  “You know I can't help it--”

  “Don't tell me what I know!” slap!

  Tears dampened Saskia's blindfold; her buttocks burned with the abuse. So did her sex, albeit in a much more pleasant way. “The building's old. The floors and walls are thin. I can't help but overhear. I didn't mean to.”

  “What is it that you overhear?”

  “What you're doing right now.”

  “You mean this?” slap!

  Saskia bit back an obscenity. She had walked right into that one. “You have women in here. You dominate and humiliate them. Maybe you fuck them. I know you make them do things to themselves while you watch sometimes.”

  “And what do you do while you're hearing all this? Do you watch a movie or put in your headphones? That is what most people would do when their neighbors are making too much noise. Is that what you do? Be honest.”


  Fabio's voice grew hard. “Tell me what you do, then. And tell me everything all at once. If you don't, I'll introduce you to one of my canes. They'll break your skin in one flick if I want them to. I know you're not ready for that.”

  Saskia decided not to test him. “I fantasize while I listen. I get excited, and I masturbate while I listen to you fuck those girls.”

  He did not use a cane, but the slap was hard enough to send her momentarily sprawling. “That is for assuming that I fuck them. That happens rarely and only with clients who I have worked with for a long time. But I'm sorry, what was it you said you do?”

  “I masturbate?”

  A gentle, cautionary spank. “You do what?”

  “Masturbate! I play with myself!”

  A spank, more warning than caution, and far less gentle. “There is another word for that. Use it.”

  “I fuck myself!” Saskia nearly screamed. “I fuck myself while I listen to you!”

  “And how do you fuck yourself, Saskia? Do you use your hands, or do you use a toy?”

  “A toy.” Her cheeks burned. That admission embarrassed her more than anything else for some reason.

  “If I fucked you with a toy right now, Saskia, how would you feel? Answer honestly. I won't spank you.”

  Saskia felt like she could. Whatever else Fabio was, it seemed like he took not being a liar quite seriously. “Honestly I'd be confused. Why fuck me with a toy when you can use your cock?”

  Fabio's hand clamped down loudly upon her rump, making Saskia recoil before she realized that, once again, she had not truly been spanked. His velvety whisper soothed her ear and made her writhe once again. “That is a very fair question, my dear. If I were in your position I would ask the same question as well. The answer is simpler than it first appears.”

  His hand moved down the supple curve of her backside, finding the pink cleft between her legs and the wetness upon it. �
��The simple answer is, Ms. Bergen, that there are so many ways I can fuck you before I even have to use my cock.”

  He found her clit without even having to feel for it and he knew exactly where to touch. Saskia could not believe it. Even the best lover she'd ever had couldn't stimulate her so effectively and so instantly. Wrapping one powerful arm around her torso, Fabio went to unrelenting work, stimulating her clit with his fingers as though he had been playing her body for years. Saskia had found no orgasmic release in several days, and her body responded fully, as if to its acknowledged master. Saskia had no sense of time, but not more than a minute could have truly passed before climax blossomed in her loins and seized her whole body. Fabio stopped carefully, gradually slowing down as Saskia finished cumming. Once satisfied that she was done he let go of her, letting her curl into a heap on the bed. It had not been her strongest orgasm, but it her body had needed it. That he made it happen with so little effort bewildered her.

  “What happened?” she pleaded. “What did you do?”

  “You did it,” he replied smugly. She could hear him prodding through a dresser drawer. “I merely helped make it happen. Now that you've had an introduction to spanking, Saskia, I feel it is time we should move on to basic restraint...”

  What he had been searching for turned out to be a pair of very solid metal handcuffs. These were “serious,” Fabio explained. Not the kind that could be slipped out of. He wanted to make sure she truly understood her position in the relationship. But if her position in the relationship meant more orgasms like the one he had just given her, Saskia was more than willing to keep playing along. She dared to trust him further, craving the moment when it all led to that ultimate union with him. Her natural fear upon being handcuffed to the bed quickly turned to astonished delight as he aroused her body through a variety of means. Soft feathers tickling her skin became hot wax dripped upon it, exciting her to cries. The more she responded, the more daring his means of arousal and torment became. If anyone had been in her apartment underneath them, it would be her that they would be hearing now.